Marnie Louise

I'm Marnie. All I want in life is to be happy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


When you're there, you're there for good. When there is fear; of loss; of pain; of blankness, these are the times that I truly love you. Because I must earn you back. Show you that you mean more than anything to me. So much so, that I don't know what life is anymore without you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Virgin Suicides.

It's so rare to find a movie which captures pieces of film, that actually look like photographs. Not sure who the cinematographer was for it, but almost all stills from the film are amazing, and are either printed out and on my wall, or my background for my laptop.

PS. I want to call my daughter Lux.

Tea tea tea.

What can I say? Tea makes everyone happy!.

I want it.

Tea + HSC= insane calmness.
Alice in Wonderland. I played the Mad Hatter in a school play once. It was pretty mad. He's a true tea enthusiast.

My dresser table. With my tea cups and saucers and other useless shit. The plate is a family heirloom which I use to hold all my jewellery. I got the blue cup and saucer for my 18th off a friend. I keep my Euros in the yellow cup when I'm not drinking from it, and behind is my fan I got from Venice, Italy. A constant reminder to go back there.